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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Dorm Cleanups in Oxford, MS

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

We'll make it "Like it never even happened."

The end of the semester will be here before you know it.  Do you have a son or daughter in campus housing?  Finals will be here soon, and the deadline for checking out of their rooms is within 24 hours of their last final exam.  Their rooms need to be clean at checkout, or the school will assess charges to their account.  You know how that goes in most cases -- you wind up with the bill.

Your student should have received a Room Condition Report at move-in.  This is what will be used to assess damages to the rooms and the resulting fees. 

Final exams for the Spring semester are May 2-6, 2022.  Your student has hopefully started preparing for finals, but it's easy for the room cleanup to get lost in the chaos of it all.  The student is expected to thoroughly clean the room, wipe down all of the furniture and appliances, wipe down the closets, window sills and blinds.  Mirrors and windows need to be cleaned, and the room needs to be swept and mopped.  If the room is left unclean or unsanitary, including the furniture, the school will not consider that as normal wear and tear.  It will be classified as damaged and fines will be assessed.  The same goes for large marks on the walls beyond scuffs.  The most recent fee listing for an unclean room assesses a minimum fee of $25 per bag of trash removed.  That could add up very quickly!

What if there was another way?  Leave the cleaning to us!  SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is always here to help.  Give us a call at 662-281-1881.  We would be happy to discuss your needs and come up with a plan to get your student's room back up to school standards.  Your child could study for their final exams and prepare to move out in peace.

Living on campus can be wild.  We'll help make the mess "Like it never even happened."

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