Recent Water Damage Posts

Reliable Ways to Avoid Water Damage | SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale

6/15/2024 (Permalink)

flooded floor at home Water damage can be hard to dodge. If you’ve found damage in your property, call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale right away!

If you are a homeowner, you know how much work it can be to keep your home running smoothly on a daily basis. In addition to making sure your family has everything they need to be safe and comfortable, you are also in charge of tackling minor repairs or dealing with issues that arise unexpectedly. 

Unfortunately, one of these common issues that homeowners deal with regularly are water leaks. While we can’t always prevent water leaks from occurring, you can significantly reduce your risk of suffering from one by addressing these areas of your home regularly.

Preparing the Exterior  

One of the biggest culprits when it comes to water damage is rain! Rainwater can easily infiltrate our homes no matter if it is drizzling or downpouring. In order to avoid water damage when it rains, the water that falls on your roof has to have somewhere to go. 

Investing in a gutter system or installing a rain chain can help you stay dry inside your home. Just be sure to keep your gutters clear so the water can flow down and away from your home and foundation. 

Do thorough checks of your windows and doors every season to check for gaps or sagging issues. Even the smallest hairline crack can invite water into your home that leaks down your walls. In addition, be sure to check your entire home before it starts to rain to make sure all windows and doors are closed. This may seem obvious, but it is a simple task that can have a huge impact.  

Prepping Inside 

It doesn’t have to be raining for water damage to occur! Water leaks inside that are caused by a manmade accident or oversight can cause just as much, if not more, damage. Check your appliances regularly and have them serviced immediately when they start acting up.  Clean dishwashers and washing machines regularly to make sure lines aren’t clogged and all connections are secured tightly. 

Another place that water damage can occur is near a busted or leaking water line. Since water is constantly flowing in and out of your home through water lines, the risk of suffering water damage due to a water line issue is always constant. Check the lines in your utility room and the ones connected to your sinks and faucets every time you are cleaning or about to use a fixture. 

Why Restoration Matters 

Suffering a water leak is always unfortunate, but you may not think twice about it if you mop up the visible water and go about your day. However, that is often not the full solution. If there is any amount of lingering moisture or hidden water behind your walls, it can lead to further damage and even mold growth over time. 

Having a professional water damage restoration team come out to your home is vital for a full recovery! We will make sure to get all of the remaining moisture and tackle repairs for you right away. A faster recovery ensures you avoid frustrating issues like mold or rot, and it can help get you back on your feet quicker. 

What are you waiting for? Give SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale a call as soon as you discover water damage.

Preparing for Flash Floods Safely | SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

Biker on a flooded road during a flood caused by heavy rain Flooding is no joke. Call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale for faster response to any size disaster.

We have all seen devastating footage of serious floods that have happened across the country and across the world, and these situations can always leave us feeling a little unnerved. No one thinks that a dangerous flood will happen in their community until the warnings are going off and everyone is scrambling for higher ground. 

Experiencing a flash flood is a very real threat that everyone in the Oxford community needs to prepare for because there usually isn’t much time to react after the warning is issued. Use these tips to help you and your family stay safe! 

Understanding Floods 

Floods don’t happen just because it’s raining a lot. While that is certainly a contributing factor, things like previous drought and the current ground conditions come into play as well. 

This is especially true for metro areas as there isn’t as much natural ground to soak up the excess water. Rivers and streams can also be the source of flash flooding as they swell up with the rainfall and overflow.

While it can be difficult to predict which area of our community will be directly affected by a flood, it is important to stay out of low-lying areas and keep an eye on your property. If you notice the water is starting to collect into pools, it means that your ground is becoming oversaturated and could start to flood toward your house. 

We always recommend staying home and avoiding travel during flood conditions because as little as six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down and only two feet of water can sweep away your car. 

What to Do When Your Home Floods 

If your home is in a flood zone, prepare for the possibility of a wet basement or lowest level right away. Get important documents and keepsakes out of the area and away from walls and consider getting your electronics and appliances up on cinder blocks to protect them from damage. You should also consider shutting off power to this area temporarily to reduce the risk of accidentally charging the water if your outlets flood.

If your home does start to flood or you see it begin to leak down your walls, don’t panic. There isn’t much you can do at the moment, so stay on higher ground and stay out of the water. 

Floodwater can be hazardous because it can pick up all sorts of things as it travels from outside into your home. Sewage, storm runoff and even dangerous chemicals could be lurking just below the surface. 

Recovery After a Flood 

One of the benefits of working with a local restoration company is that we witness the same weather as you do! The only difference is that when flood warnings are issued, we get started on forming teams and gathering supplies in anticipation of your phone call for help.

We will get right to work removing the excess water and securing your home from further damage. If the flood caused structural damage to your home or even damage to your possessions, our crew will make sure to dry everything out and handle every repair from start to finish.

Suffering a flood can be really frustrating. Let SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale handle your entire flood restoration.

Reacting to a Burst Pipe at Home or Work | SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

burst copper pipes from the cold Don't let burst pipes in your home ruin your day! Call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale to restore your home at the first sign of damage.

The winter weather can fluctuate pretty drastically around here, and we can experience mild temperatures and a sunny day one moment and then be surprised by serious freezes and snowstorms the next day. We can easily change up our routines in order to stay cozy and warm no matter what, but our homes and buildings can sometimes have a harder time weathering the cold temperatures and can suffer damage as a result. 

Frozen and burst pipes become a real concern in the winter months when the temperature drops below freezing. Once the weather turns back around, that broken pipe can lead to serious damage in your home or commercial property. 

How to Tell if a Pipe Is Frozen 
We all know that water expands as it freezes, so if your pipes aren’t insulated properly or your property isn’t prepared for the temperature to get really cold, the water that is flowing through your pipes can freeze along its journey to your faucets.

The first obvious sign of a frozen pipe is that you have no more water. If you turn on your faucet and nothing comes out, you have an obvious blockage that needs to be investigated. Another clear sign is frost or ice buildup along the outside of your pipes. If the pipes are cold enough to condense and refreeze on the outside, something troublesome is going on inside.

Just because a pipe is frozen, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will burst. If you don’t see any visible cracks on the pipe, try to gently thaw it with a heat source. A blow dryer or a warm towel wrapped around the pipe can gently encourage the ice to thaw out in the pipe without creating a serious problem. 

What to Do if It Bursts  

If you see a crack or you discover water pouring or leaking out of your pipe, quick action must be taken to stop the flow of water. Locate your water valve for the particular area of your property and shut it off. You should also consider shutting off electricity for the time being as water leaks can quickly compromise your electrical system and actually charge the water that is now all over your floor.

Once the flow of water has been stopped, contact us right away so we can get started on your repairs. The longer water sits on your floor and the longer your pipes are vulnerable to freezing, the worse your situation can become and the longer your restoration will take. While you wait for us to arrive, take pictures of the damage you see so you can start the insurance claim process right away. 

Where SERVPRO® Comes Into Play 

Our crew will start your restoration right away! We will focus on removing the excess water and identifying hidden moisture behind your walls and under your floors. After the water is gone, we will work on repairing warped drywall or floorboards and replace ruined carpet. We can even address the burst pipe and take care of those repairs as well. 

Afterward, we can discuss ways you can prevent this issue from happening again. Insulating your pipes is a great place to start and make sure your building’s temperature doesn’t drop below 55 degrees on any given day. If your building or home will be vacant for a while because of a closure or vacation, turn off your water valves temporarily. 

Suffered from a burst pipe? SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is ready to help day or night. 

Is it Mold or Mildew?

8/31/2022 (Permalink)

It's a little unsettling to see something growing in or on your home.  Mold growth in a home is often a cause of concern for a homeowner, and a lot of times, they automatically assume the worst.  Mold and mildew are often used interchangeably, but they are two different things with different forms of treatment.  While spots generally need to be treated, first you need to know what it is in order to properly treat it.

Here is a quick rundown of a few major differences between mold and mildew:

Is the spot flat or is it more three-dimensional?  Mildew is always flat, but mold is often raised.

What color is it?  Mildew usually looks white or grey.  It has a dry, or sometimes even powdery appearance.  Mold is either red, blue, green, or black.  It can look slimy or even fuzzy.

How does it smell?  A musty smell like damp socks generally indicates mildew, but a pungent odor is more commonly found with mold. 

It's important to remember that mold and mildew need to be stopped at the source, otherwise the problem is likely to return.  Moisture is the key to their survival and reproduction, so the source of the excess moisture needs to be located and repaired. 

Think you have a mold issue?  We're always here to help!  Give SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale a call at 662-281-1881, and we'd be happy to schedule an inspection and plan a course of action.  We'll make it "Like it never even happened."

Category 3 Water Damage in Your Clarksdale, MS Home

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

When your home experiences a water loss, it usually isn't something that can wait until later.  From the moment the water enters your home, the clock is ticking before the situation worsens.  There are three main categorizations of water loss -- we've previously discussed Category 1 and Category 2 water losses.  A Category 1 water loss originates from a sanitary source, like when a sink or bathtub overflows.  This type of water will not pose a substantial risk if it is accidentally ingested.  Category 2 water is also known as "greywater," which contains contaminants, such as an overflowed toilet that does not contain feces.  Accidental ingestion of this water could result in sickness.  The potential for bacteria and mold to breed and spread is significant with Category 2 water.  Once Category 2 water sits untreated for 48 hours, it could be reclassified as Category 3 water, or "black water."  Sewage backups, storm surges, ground surface water, and many other water sources are classified as Category 3.   This water is grossly contaminated and could cause severe illness if ingested.

It is imperative to have a Category 3 water loss remediated immediately.  Blackwater contaminates everything it touches, and if left to sit in a home, it will not only soak the contents of your home, but it can get into the drywall, flooring, and anywhere else it can reach.  This can cause health effects to the inhabitants.

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale understands the seriousness of a Category 3 water loss.  We have several IICRC Certified Water Restoration Technicians on staff ready to make it "Like it never even happened."  We're available 24/7 to discuss your needs at 662-281-1881.

We're always here to help.

Category 2 Water Damage in Your Batesville, MS Home

5/27/2022 (Permalink)

Overhead view of a toilet on a black and white checked floor. A Category 2 water loss could happen when a toilet or bathtub overflows.

Every water loss is different and can take many forms, depending on what kind of water caused the damage. We've discussed Category 1 water, and how it originates from a sanitary water source. A sink or bathtub overflow would be considered Category 1 water. Time is always of the essence when dealing with a water loss because if that sanitary water sits for 48-72 hours, you could be looking at a Category 2 water loss.

If you've heard the term "grey water," this is another name for Category 2 water. This water contains enough contaminants to potentially make someone ill were they to accidentally ingest it or if it touches an open wound. Water damage from a leaking waterbed, overflowing aquarium, or leaking dishwasher or washing machine is considered Category 2 water.

Category 2 water contains microorganisms, but once it has been sitting for more than 48 hours, the bacteria multiply, and mold begins to form. At this point, you're dealing with "black water," which is Category 3 water. This water is extremely dangerous, and it is best to not let your water damage get to this point.

Should you experience a Category 2 water loss, SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is always here to help! Give us a call at 662-281-1881. We're available 24/7 and work hard to make your water loss "Like it never even happened."

Category 1 Water Damage in Your Oxford MS Home

5/26/2022 (Permalink)

Water runs from a sink faucet in front of a colorful backsplash. An overflowing sink is a common Category 1 water loss.

It's tough to be inconvenienced by a water loss, but should you have to deal with one, it's very important to remember that time is not on your side. The longer a water issue affects your property, the more likely it is to turn into major damage, resulting in a lengthy restoration process.

A water loss resulting from a sanitary source of water, such as a sink or bathtub overflowing is considered a Category 1 water loss. Exposure or ingestion of this water does not pose a risk because the water is not contaminated. While this water will not make you sick, if it is not remedied quickly, it can cause damage to your laminate floors, as well as any plywood, particleboard furniture, and the like. Should your carpet come into contact with Category 1 water, it is likely to escape long-term damage as long as the water is extracted quickly.

Once Category 1 water sits for a couple of days, it runs the risk of becoming reclassified as "greywater" (Category 2), or even worse, "black water" (Category 3). These water categories come with a risk of contamination and illness. That's why it's always best to have your water loss assessed and remediated as soon as you notice it. Should you suffer a Category 1 water loss, give us a call at 662-281-1881. SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is available 24/7 and ready to make it "Like it never even happened."

We're always here to help.

Have You Found Mold or Mildew in Your Oxford, MS Home?

2/4/2022 (Permalink)

Fuzzy mold spots rest on a purple background If it's fuzzy, there's a good chance it's mold.

Have you found something growing in or on your home?  It can be a bit unsettling!  Mold growth in a home is often a cause of concern for a homeowner, and a lot of times, they automatically assume the worst.  Mold and mildew are often used interchangeably, but they are two different things with different treatment protocols.  You need to know what you're dealing with before attempting to treat a spot. 

Here are a few of the major differences between mold and mildew: 

Do you see a flat spot or is it more three-dimensional?  Mildew is always flat, but mold is often raised. 

What color is it?  Mildew is usually white or grey.  It looks dry, or sometimes even has a  powdery appearance.  Mold is either red, blue, green, or black.  It can look slimy or even fuzzy. 

How does it smell?  A musty smell like damp socks generally indicates mildew, but a pungent odor is more commonly found with mold.   

It's important to remember that mold and mildew need to be stopped at the source, otherwise the problem is likely to return!  Moisture is the key to their survival and reproduction, so the source of the excess moisture needs to be located and repaired.   

Think you have a mold issue?  We're always here to help!  Give SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale a call at 662-281-1881, and we'll be happy to schedule an inspection and plan a course of action.   

We'll make it "Like it never even happened." 

The Dangers of Frozen Pipes in Clarksdale, MS

1/21/2022 (Permalink)

Water spreads across wooden parquet floors Water and hardwood floors don't mix.

Feel that chill in the air?  Your house does, too.  These recent drops in nighttime temperatures are more than just inconvenient -- they could wreak havoc on your home.  When temperatures drop below freezing and stay there for days,  it's natural to wonder if your pipes can handle the cold.  But just one night of cold temperatures isn't enough to make them freeze, right?

About that.

Depending on how low that one-night temp actually drops, it is absolutely possible for your pipes to freeze.  The number to remember is 20.  When the temperatures dip below 20 degrees, pipes often begin to freeze.  This results in a pressure increase in your pipes, which is why frozen pipes often burst. 

Watch your weather forecast.  Here in the South, local meteorologists tend to announce potential weather events like freezes well in advance.  If you know it's coming, it's easier to be prepared.  What else can you do?

  • Start by covering any exposed pipes.  The pipes that are more likely to freeze are in unheated areas like a garage or attic.
  • Let those faucets drip.  It's a great idea to pick one far away from the source of your water so it has to travel through more of the system to get there.
  • Open up those cabinets, especially if they're on an exterior wall.  The heat from your home will fill the cabinet space and help to warm up those pipes.
  • Planning on being away from home?  Don't turn off the heat!  No one wants to come home and open the door to a disaster.

Is it 100% foolproof?  Nothing is, really.  Sometimes things just happen.  That's where we come in.  We're available 24/7 and happy to mitigate any water damage resulting from a frozen pipe that burst.

Save us in your phone:

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale - 662-281-1881.

We're always here to help.

Category 3 Water Damage in Your Clarksdale, MS Home

11/24/2021 (Permalink)

Muddy water runs through a storm pipe Category 3 water can quickly contaminate your home.

When your home experiences a water loss, it usually isn't something that can wait until later.  From the moment the water enters your home, the clock is ticking before the situation worsens.  There are three main categorizations of water loss -- we've previously discussed Category 1 and Category 2 water losses.  A Category 1 water loss originates from a sanitary source, like when a sink or bathtub overflows.  This type of water will not pose a substantial risk if it is accidentally ingested.  Category 2 water is also known as "greywater," which contains contaminants, such as an overflowed toilet that does not contain feces.  Accidental ingestion of this water could result in sickness.  The potential for bacteria and mold to breed and spread is significant with Category 2 water.  Once Category 2 water sits untreated for 48 hours, it could be reclassified as Category 3 water, or "black water."  Sewage backups, storm surge, ground surface water, and many other water sources are classified as Category 3 water.   This water is grossly contaminated and could cause serious illness if ingested.

It is imperative to have a Category 3 water loss remediated immediately.  Blackwater contaminates everything it touches, and if left to sit in a home, it will not only soak the contents of your home, but it can get into the drywall, flooring, and anywhere else it can reach.  This can cause health effects to the inhabitants.

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale understands the seriousness of a Category 3 water loss.  We have several IICRC Certified Water Restoration Technicians on staff ready to make it "Like it never even happened."  We're available 24/7 to discuss your needs at 662-281-1881.

We're always here to help.

Category 2 Water Damage in Your Batesville MS Home

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Category 2 water losses can happen if a toilet or bathtub overflows A Category 2 water loss could happen when a toilet or bathtub overflows.

Every water loss is different and can take many forms, depending on what kind of water caused the damage. We've discussed Category 1 water, and how it originates from a sanitary water source. A sink or bathtub overflow would be considered Category 1 water. Time is always of the essence when dealing with a water loss because if that sanitary water sits for 48-72 hours, you could be looking at a Category 2 water loss.

If you've heard the term "grey water," this is another name for Category 2 water. This water contains enough contaminants to potentially make someone ill were they to accidentally ingest it or if it touches an open wound. Water damage from a leaking waterbed, overflowing aquarium, or leaking dishwasher or washing machine is considered Category 2 water.

Category 2 water contains microorganisms, but once it has been sitting for more than 48 hours, the bacteria multiply, and mold begins to form. At this point, you're dealing with "black water," which is Category 3 water. This water is extremely dangerous, and it is best to not let your water damage get to this point.

Should you experience a Category 2 water loss, SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is always here to help! Give us a call at 662-281-1881. We're available 24/7 and work hard to make your water loss "Like it never even happened."

Category 1 Water Damage in Your Oxford MS Home

8/4/2021 (Permalink)

An overflowing sink in Oxford MS could cause water damage An overflowing sink is a common Category 1 water loss.

It's tough to be inconvenienced by a water loss, but should you have to deal with one, it's very important to remember that time is not on your side. The longer a water issue affects your property, the more likely it is to turn into major damage, resulting in a lengthy restoration process.

A water loss resulting from a sanitary source of water, such as a sink or bathtub overflowing is considered a Category 1 water loss. Exposure or ingestion of this water does not pose a risk because the water is not contaminated. While this water will not make you sick, if it is not remedied quickly, it can cause damage to your laminate floors, as well as any plywood, particleboard furniture, and the like. Should your carpet come into contact with Category 1 water, it is likely to escape long-term damage as long as the water is extracted quickly.

Once Category 1 water sits for a couple of days, it runs the risk of becoming reclassified as "greywater" (Category 2), or even worse, "black water" (Category 3). These water categories come with a risk of contamination and illness. That's why it's always best to have your water loss assessed and remediated as soon as you notice it. Should you suffer a Category 1 water loss, give us a call at 662-281-1881. SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is available 24/7 and ready to make it "Like it never even happened."

We're always here to help.

Water vs Laminate Flooring

6/3/2021 (Permalink)

Closeup of standing water on a customer's laminate floor in Water Valley, MS A burst pipe saturated the laminate flooring of this Water Valley, MS homeowner.

Laminate flooring is one of the most popular types of flooring in homes today, and the trend doesn't appear to be going away any time soon.  The lower price point and realistic wood finishes are the perfect choice for homeowners wanting to upgrade or renovate their homes with a luxury feel.  Laminate floors are also popular in newly built homes.  The quality of the laminate has greatly improved over the years, with some brands claiming to offer waterproof laminate flooring.  While this sounds ideal, the idea of completely waterproof laminate flooring is a bit misleading.

Many types of laminate flooring can withstand the wear and tear and occasional spills of everyday use.  As long as a spill is wiped up immediately, most laminate stays in good shape.  Should your home suffer water damage from other sources, such as a leaking appliance or burst pipe, the reality is that your flooring would most likely need to be replaced.

Laminate flooring is manufactured, so once the materials start to take on water, the underside starts to break down due to saturation.  There are signs to look for if you think your laminate flooring might have water damage.  The planks that typically lay flat could start splitting or bubbling.  They could begin to buckle.  Should you notice discoloration or visible mold, your floor is definitely damaged and needs to be replaced.

If you've experienced water damage, give the pros at SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale a call at 662-281-1881.  We'll take out the ruined floor and make it "Like it never even happened."

We're always here to help.

Water Damage from Another Tenant in a Multi-Unit Dwelling

5/27/2021 (Permalink)

Work truck preparing to fix water damage at an Oxford, MS condo Should your multi-unit dwelling suffer water damage from a neighbor, be familiar with your building's bylaws to determine fault.

Living in a multi-unit dwelling comes with its own set of pros and cons, but what happens when something goes wrong? Your home could experience water damage from another unit in the dwelling. What happens then? Are you responsible for getting it repaired yourself? Laws vary throughout the country, but the tricky answer is that “it depends.” Mostly, it depends on what was damaged and the location of the damage. Most condos and townhouses have a Homeowners Association (HOA) that spells out what happens when a unit is damaged. In many cases, the bylaws cover “common elements” and damage in a unit is the responsibility of the owner. Should an incident be caused by negligence of one owner, resulting in damages to another owner's property, the negligent owner's liability insurance could come into play.

There are some things to look for to stop water damage before it becomes a problem. One of the major culprits is blocked gutters. Keep your gutters clean and clear so they don't overflow and cause an issue. It is also important to ensure your appliances are maintained. Refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines can leak into a neighbor's unit, and you would likely be on the hook for the bill. Follow a maintenance schedule for your appliances to keep them working properly. Does your condo or townhome have a sump pump? These are often the cause of water issues in multi-unit dwellings. While the HOA is usually the owner of the sump pump, they're sometimes located in a particular unit, meaning that the owner needs to make sure it is operating efficiently.

In short, make sure you are familiar with the bylaws of your multi-unit condo or townhome. Should any damage occur, it's a good idea to consult the bylaws to ensure you're following the proper steps to get the problem solved. Should your condo or townhome experience a water loss, give us a call at SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale at 662-281-1881.  We're available 24/7 and quick to the scene to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Water Remediation After A Toilet Overflow

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

A clogged toilet bowl or tank malfunction can lead to a nasty overflow in your home.  Overflowing water can cause severe damage to floors and baseboards surrounding the malfunctioned toilet.   Contaminated water may also seep through walls and insulation down to lower floors if the toilet is found on an upper level.  Water damage requires immediate attention to prevent further damage caused by sitting water.

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale has a team of trained professionals that know exactly how to restore your home in a timely manner.  Upon arrival, our team will identify the extent and severity of the seen and unseen damage.  This is possible using hygrometers and moisture detectors.  These tools allow us to ensure that no water is left to mold or mildew inside wall cavities.  Water is then extracted using heavy duty pumps so that the drying process will be quick and painless.  In some instances, parts of walls and baseboards may need to be removed.  However, we can promise that customers will be walked through their specific remediation plan prior to demolition.  After drying, all areas that were potentially contaminated by the overflowing water are sanitized.  We do this to ensure no future mold or bacterial growth.  

If you find yourself in need of our services, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale at 662-281-1881!

Standing Water in Basement or Crawlspace

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

Standing water in a basement or crawlspaces can occur for several reasons.  For example, heavy rain and rain associated problems often cause water damage in basements due to improper grading. In other words, water is not properly directed away from the home and therefore seeps in through cracks in basement walls or the foundation.  Deteriorations in foundation can also cause standing water in crawlspaces.  Another common cause of standing water in a crawlspace is humidity from the ground.  If your crawl space has an earthen ground of soil it can be very susceptible to high levels of moisture. Soil acts like a sponge for water coming from above or below.  Water may pool at the ground’s surface creating large puddles. Presently, this may not seem like a huge issue, but standing water in a home’s crawlspace can lead to structural damage, termites, and mold.

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale’s team of trained professionals know exactly how to handle standing water in a basement or crawlspace.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call us at 662-281-2881.  We would be happy to answer any questions regarding the importance or proper extraction and how to protect these lower spaces from moisture and future damage.

Prevent Carpet Mold After Water Damage

10/12/2020 (Permalink)

If your home has experienced water damage, mold can quickly become an issue.  It does not take much water for mold to begin forming.  This is especially true for surfaces such as carpet.  Here are 5 steps for preventing mold in your carpets after water damage:

  1. Remove water as quickly as possible: Use a wet/dry vacuum to clean up as much water as soon as possible.
  2. Use fans to speed up carpet drying process: It can take several days for fans to completely dry a water-damaged area.
  3. Use a de-humidifier to dry out the room: these machines remove excessive moisture, which makes the air feel cooler and limits mold and mildew growth.
  4. Steam clean carpet and flooring
  5. Sanitize walls and baseboards: anything touched by storm water should be sanitized. Clean all walls, hard-surface floors and other household surfaces with soap and water.

Often the best choice to ensure these steps are followed is to hire a professional remediation company. Here at SERVPRO we have a specialized team of technicians that are eager to help you restore the flooring in your home or determine if it is unsalvageable. Call us at 662-281-1881 for help!

Emergency Water Loss

8/14/2020 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO we deal with emergencies in the homes and businesses of our customers every day. The most common one is a water loss. Usually it is from a broken water line or a busted drain hose that is attached to some appliance. Some keys to mitigating such a water loss is 1) getting the source of the water shut off and repaired. 2) extracting the excess water as quickly as possible and starting the drying process. SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale has the experienced staff to mitigate this type of water loss and others. Once the water has been extracted, technicians will utilize equipment to determine the depth of wetness on affected materials. Then communicating with you, the homeowner, and the insurance company a plan will be put in place and action steps taken to make your home “Like it never even happened.” SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is an IICRC Certified Company and our technicians are trained by their (WRT) Water Restoration Technician standards. If you have a need for our services or maybe just a question or two, feel free to call us at 662-281-1881.

AC Leak Damage

6/17/2020 (Permalink)

Summer 2020 has already proved itself to being a hot season as it always is here in Mississippi.  Everyone loves to enjoy the warm sunshine but when you go inside you enjoy the cool air that your air conditioner blows.  But what happens if your AC begins to leak? 

Some common causes for AC leaks are:

  • Cracked drain pan
  • Condensation buildup in ductwork
  • Damaged evaporator coils
  • Dirty unit filter
  • Clogged condensate line
  • Faulty condensation pump

A leaky AC unit if not addressed quickly can cause serious water damage.  Most AC units are housed in a closet, that no one opens on a regular basis, in one’s home.  Perhaps the leak has been going on for quite some time and walls, floors, and baseboards are all soaked by the time you realize there is even an issue.  If your AC unit is in the attic, it could affect the ceiling and walls all the way to the baseboards.  

If you experience a water loss due to a leak in your AC unit, the first step is to turn off the unit and assess the unit and damage.  Then, call a HVAC company to come and fix the issue.  The last step is to call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale at 662-281-1881 to begin the drying process.

Water Damage Can Lead To Mold

6/11/2020 (Permalink)

Mold – The Biggest Threats to a Healthy and Happy Home

Mold comes in a variety of colors and can sometimes be difficult to differentiate.  The most common types include Cladosporium, aspergillus, and stachybotrys.  In this post we will help inform you about each type and what you can do to prevent mold growth in your home.

Cladosporium - Typically a black or green mold. Tends to grow on the back of toilets, smooth painted surfaces, and fiberglass air ducts. It has a “pepper like” look to it and may cause common allergy symptoms.

Aspergillus – Black on the surface and usually white or yellow underneath.  Different species of this mold may differ slightly in color. It is commonly found on foods and in-home AC systems. It is an allergenic mold.

Stachybotrys (aka black mold) – Green/black in color and grows on material with high cellulose content. For example: paper, fiberboard, dust, lint, etc.  It will likely be found in a place with a lot of moisture and humidity.

Mold needs a food source to grow and sporulate.  Water can be the source of life for mold.  It only takes a tiny bit of water for mold to begin colonizing.  This could come from a roof leak, plumbing issue or storm damage.  The key is to catch the water loss before it becomes a problem.  Call SERVPRO of Oxford / Batesville / Clarksdale for your water remediation needs.

However, if you find your home growing mold it important to act fast.  Simply wiping it away will not solve your problem.  Our team of trained professionals know how to safely remove and restore your home to keep it healthy and happy. 

Water Remediation After a Toilet Overflow

2/13/2020 (Permalink)

A clogged toilet bowl or tank malfunction can lead to a nasty overflow in your home.  Overflowing water can cause severe damage to floors and baseboards surrounding the malfunctioned toilet.   Contaminated water may also seep through walls and insulation down to lower floors if the toilet is found on an upper level.  Water damage requires immediate attention to prevent further damage caused by sitting water.

SERVPRO of Oxford / Batesville / Clarksdale has a team of trained professionals that know exactly how to restore your home in a timely manner.  Upon arrival, our team will identify the extent and severity of the seen and unseen damage.  This is possible using hygrometers and moisture detectors.  These tools allow us to ensure that no water is left to mold or mildew inside wall cavities.  Water is then extracted using heavy duty pumps so that the drying process will be quick and painless.  In some instances, parts of walls and baseboards may need to be removed.  However, we can promise that customers will be walked through their specific remediation plan prior to demolition.  After drying, all areas that were potentially contaminated by the overflowing water are sanitized.  We do this to ensure no future mold or bacterial growth.  

If you find yourself in need of our services, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Oxford / Batesville / Clarksdale at 662-281-1881!

Standing Water In Basement or Crawlspace

1/23/2020 (Permalink)

Standing water in a basement or crawlspaces can occur for several reasons.  For example, heavy rain and rain associated problems often cause water damage in basements due to improper grading. In other words, water is not properly directed away from the home and therefore seeps in through cracks in basement walls or the foundation.  Deterioration in foundation can also cause standing water in crawlspaces.  Another common cause of standing water in a crawlspace is humidity from the ground.  If your crawl space has an earthen ground of soil it can be very susceptible to high levels of moisture. Soil acts like a sponge for water coming from above or below.  Water may pool at the ground’s surface creating large puddles. Presently, this may not seem like a huge issue, but standing water in a home’s crawlspace can lead to structural damage, termites, and mold.

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale’s team of trained professionals know exactly how to handle standing water in a basement or crawlspace.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call us at 662-281-1881.  We would be happy to answer any questions regarding the importance or proper extraction and how to protect these lower spaces from moisture and future damage.

Tips To Help Winterize Your Pipes

10/15/2019 (Permalink)

Fall weather is upon us, which means lots of pumpkin spice, sweaters, and football.  Yay!  However, fall weather also means, winter is right around the corner.  Which means colder temperatures, higher electric bill, and possibly snow.   

That’s why it is important to prepare for the colder weather by winterizing your pipes.  Below is a checklist of important things to consider/complete.

  1. Use insulation sleeves to insulate pipes. Make sure you cover the pipes fully and do not leave any gaps without insulation as cold air can reach these areas and affect the pipe. 
  2. Be sure to inspect the outside areas of the home or property. Cold air can enter through cracks and cause freezing.  That is why it is important to seal any visible cracks with caulk or spray foam.
  3. When freezing temperatures do occur it is a good idea to allow a faucet to drip to allow water to move continuously throughout the pipes preventing freezing water.
  4. If the home or property has a crawl space be sure that it properly insulated and block any openings that can allow cold air in.

These measures should ensure that your home or property will be safe from water damage this winter.  But, if you do suffer from a water loss, remember that SERVPRO of Oxford / Batesville / Clarksdale is always “here to help.”

3 Types of Water Damage

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

There are three separate types of water damage that may affect your home or business:

  1. Clean Water Damage is caused by “clean water” originating from a water pipe or rain. This is typically the easiest and least expensive type of water disaster to deal with depending on the extent of damage.
  2. Grey Water Damage is usually caused by water coming from a water-appliance. Grey water will have chemicals such as soap that will have to be treated during the cleanup process.
  3. Black Water Damage is the most hazardous and expensive type of water damage. It is usually caused by a sewer backup.  This type of water damage contains harmful bacteria and chemicals that are unsafe to your health.

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is prepared with certified technicians that are trained to restore your home or business regardless of which category of water disaster.

Tips for preventing a water loss

6/20/2019 (Permalink)

Preventing a Water Loss

  • While SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is here to help at a moment’s notice if a water disaster strikes, it is still important to know what you can do to prevent a water loss from happening in your home.

Finding Hidden Leaks

  • Turn off faucets and appliances that may be using water, and do not flush toilets for one hour. Check your water meter reading. Take note of If the flow indicator is spinning or if the meter reading changes while no water is being used. If it does, you may have a leak!


  • Look for evidence of leaks such as discolored or warped flooring as well as damaged cabinets near the fridge, sink, and dishwasher. Keep an eye out for a wet spot underneath the fridge, as this may indicate a crimped ice-maker line about to burst. It is also important to regularly check pipes and hose attachments for small leaks that can cause BIG damage over time.


  • It is important to replace the deteriorated caulk and grout in your showers or bathtubs. Cracks in these sealants will allow water to seep through causing stains and unsafe mold or mildew conditions.  Also be wary of potential toilet clogs caused by too much toilet paper or items such as hanging toilet deodorants.

Basement/Laundry Room/Utility Room

  • It is essential to be on top of your washing machine maintenance. Make sure to replace the hose at least every 4 years and allow 4 inches of space between the water connection and the back of the washing machine to prevent kinking.  Your water heater also has potential to be the source of a major water disaster.  Keep an eye out for wet spots on the floor or a rusted tank, as this can indicate a leak.  You should also make sure to replace your water heater every 8-12 years.

An unknown leak can wreak havoc

6/13/2019 (Permalink)

Mold caused from a leak in the AC unit

Here at SERVPRO, we classify water into 3 different categories that are provided by the IICRC. 

  • Category 1-water is clean water; water that one could drink and be okay.  
  • Category 2-water that poses health risks; water that has become stagnant or water that comes from a washing machine or dishwasher.
  • Category 3-water that is grossly unsanitary; this can be flood water or sewage water.  

So, when you have a leak in your home or commercial business, it likely starts out as Category 1 water, if the leak goes on for a couple of days, it then becomes Category 2.  But, if the leak continues, it becomes Category 3.  

When the leak becomes Category 3, it provides the perfect breading grounds for mold.  Mold can be very dangerous to many people but its effects can be more harmful to infants and children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions.  

If you have a water leak that has lead to mold, call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale.  We are always here to help.  

We are here for our community!

4/4/2019 (Permalink)

Photo from the third floor, overlooking the atrium at the Kappa Delta House.

The recent flooding and storm damage that came though Oxford affected many homes and businesses.  Most damage was minimal, and some was catastrophic.  SERVPRO of Oxford / Batesville / Clarksdale was very busy that weekend, doing what we love, helping people in need.

But the most damage we saw was at the Kappa Delta House at The University of Mississippi.  The roof gave in and half of the house was affected three stories down.  The damage happened Friday night, and our team was there setting equipment first thing Saturday morning.  Throughout the next two weeks our technicians monitored the drying process and removed wet materials that were too damaged to restore. 

The University is a huge part of our community here in Oxford, and we were so grateful to be able to be there for the staff and students of the Kappa Delta Sorority.  

Water Damage to your Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale home? We are here to help!

4/2/2019 (Permalink)

Local Business' roof affected by flood damage

Flood and water damage can happen suddenly and unexpectantly.  No matter how closely you watch the weather or take the precautions needed, sometimes it’s just not enough. 

This local business was affected by the recent storms that wreaked havoc on our town.  They closed for the weekend that Friday, and came back to water flooding their business, during tax season, no less.  But thankfully they called SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale.  Our technicians were on site extracting water and cleaning up debris within hours.  They also placed a tarp to prevent further damage until the roof could be fixed.  We placed drying equipment and dehumidifiers and allowed them to stay open and continue working during their busiest season of the year.  Because, after all, even in a disaster, work and life must continue. 

When disaster strikes your home or business, call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale.  We are here to help!!

Wind Driven Rain Damage caused by Hurricane Florence

10/22/2018 (Permalink)

Home tarped from damage done by Hurricane Florence in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Recently, our team was called to help with the damage done by Hurricane Florence in North Carolina. Many families suffered by flooding and category 3 water. While others suffered by wind driven rain causing roof damage and water damage around windows and doors. This allowed water to travel through studs and affect larger areas. Therefore, immediate action is necessary to prevent further damage. Our team is trained to get the drying process started quickly to get your property back to its pre-water damage condition. We used advanced water removal and drying equipment as well as scientific drying principles. Our team documents the drying process to validate your home or business is ready.

Our Water Damage Restoration Process

Every water disaster is different, from the amount of water to the level of contamination of the water. Each scenario requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” water damage emergency.

Step 1: Emergency Contact

Step 2: Inspection and Damage Assessment

Step 3: Water Removal/Water Extraction

Step 4: Drying and Dehumidification

Step 5: Cleaning and Repair

Step 6: Restoration

Safety Tips While At Water Parks

8/31/2018 (Permalink)

Summertime brings many seasonal pastimes many of which involve ways to stay cool. One that is usually a big hit, especially with kids are water parks.  Not only do they have many activities to keep the kids entertained there are plenty of ways to beat the heat. 

Here are some tips for safety while at the park:

  • Keep eyes on anyone in your group while they are in the water
  • Use floaties or life vest when applicable
  • Don’t run around the pool
  • Wear sunscreen and lip balm
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Obey the rules of the park
  • Bring a dry change of clothes
  • Have a meeting point with your group

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale hopes everyone has an enjoyable summer and stays safe!

Tips For Closing Your Pool Down For Fall

8/27/2018 (Permalink)

The end of summer is always bittersweet.  It means less pool days but that also means cooler temperatures.  Because we do have such hot summers, many homes in the south also have pools.  With all of the fun a pool brings it also comes with responsibilities such as closing it down for the cooler months.

If you have a pool at your home and are getting ready to close it for the fall and winter months, here are some tips:

  • Insulate any pipes that may be exposed
  • Take any floats, ropes, toys from the pool and store inside
  • Remove any diving boards, railings, or ladders to reduce weathering
  • Install a pool cover to protect it from debris
  • Lock all gates and access points to ensure there are not entrances left open

These are just a few of the steps to take to not only prolong the life of your pool and pool accessories but also ways to keep your pool safe for you and non-swimmers that may visit.

8 Common Causes In Water Damage In Your Oxford, MS Home

7/31/2018 (Permalink)

Flooring in a home that had a leak from their condensation line on their HVAC system.

Not only do undetected water leaks damage your home, but they can increase your utility buills as well as encouraged other secondary issues.  One of the best ways to keep your home safe from future leaks is to be aware of common situations that lead to leaks.

Here are 8 of the most common causes of leaks:

  1. Broken seals- overtime seals around water connectors make break or wear, watch for condensation or puddles of water near appliances.
  2. Clogged lines- keep your gutters and HVAC system clean to prevent serious clogs
  3. Corrosion- as your plumbing system ages you may see rust or other forms of corrosion eat away at the pipes, if you notice such discoloration or warping have a plumber come out and assess.
  4. Damaged pipe joints- where your pipes connect can be the weakest point on the line.If you have pipes that make a ticking or banging noise (especially when running hot water) have a plumber come take a look.
  5. Excess water pressure- it can be nice to have high water pressure but most pipes and faucets can only withstand certain pressure, any extra can cause leaks.If you feel that your pressure may be too high have a professional come out and measure.
  6. Intruding tree roots- most issues come inside the house but tree roots can intrude water lines and cause moisture in your yard.If you notice wet patches or sink holes call a plumber to check for intrusion.
  7. Loose water connectors- hoses and pipes that supply your appliances can become loose, again check for puddles around the appliance as well as water coming out of line.
  8. Rapid temperature changes- extreme outside temperature changes can cause your pipes to expand and contrast which can crack pipes.

If you notice an increase in your water bill, a musty smell around a drain or a change in water flow contact a plumber.  If water damage as occurred, SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is here to help dry your home once the cause has been identified. 

Oxford Residents: We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

5/22/2018 (Permalink)

This Oxford Business’s bathroom in their basement flooded due to a sewage backup.

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today -662-281-1881

If flood water or sewage backup is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Oxford/ Batesville/ Clarksdale and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Water in your Basement? Call Us Today – We’re Ready To Help 662-281-1881

Tornado and Water Damage to Your Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale Home or Business

4/4/2018 (Permalink)

Pictures from tornado damage in Jacksonville, AL where we sent crews to help out a local SERVPRO franchise.

When you think about tornadoes you normally just think of the damage from the high winds. Each tornadic event is different but if it was a quick moving storm with lots of rainfall your home or business could be left with water damage as well. If you have experienced storm damage here are some steps to get you started in the clean-up process:

Safety of Structure: Inspect the quality of the structure and make sure it is safe. Not only could there be potential fallen debris but depending on the amount of rain there could be electrical hazards.

Access Damage: If the structure is safe take the time to walk it and see what all is damaged, so you can see a complete picture of what is going on in your home and be able to let your insurance company know.

Contact Insurance: As soon as you can, contact your insurance to let them know you have experienced damage to your home or business. Make them aware of what you are seeing and go over your coverage, so you have a better idea of what they will pay for.

Remove Water: Depending on the amount of water contacting a professional to remove is usually your best option. At SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale not only do we have the equipment to successfully extract the water, we also have the professionals to handle the job to ensure your structure is completely dry.

Start Put Back: Once your home or business is dry then you can begin to rebuild. Contact a professional contractor to start plans for replacing anything that was lost or damaged due the tornado, rains, or winds.

Have a powerful storm damage your property can be a stressful time. SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make this a less stressful process for you to go through.

Rainfall Can Lead To Flooding In Your Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale Home or Business

3/13/2018 (Permalink)

This is a basement in an Oxford, MS business that had 9 inches of water in their basement due to the large amounts of rainfall.

Floods rank as one of the most common natural disasters in the United States. With all the rainfall we have experienced so far in 2018 some areas in Mississippi have seen elevated water levels that have caused some concerns. With large amounts of rainfall, areas that typically do  not have concerns with flooding have seen signs.  You’d be shocked to know that nearly 25% of last year’s claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program were for policies in moderate to low-risk communities. According to NFIP, houses in the United States have a 26% chance of being damaged by a flood during the course of a 30 year mortgage, while businesses face similar risks by flooding. On average, floods cost $6 billion in annual losses in the United States:  Here are some more “Flood Facts” you may not know:

  • Floods kill an average of 140 people per year in the U.S., making flooding the most deadly natural disaster.
  • More than half of the fatalities during floods are auto related, often the result of drivers misjudging the depth of water on a road and being swept away in a swiftly moving current.
  • The principle causes of foods in the eastern United States are hurricanes and storms.
  • The principle causes of floods in the western United States are snowmelt and rainstorms.
  • Underpasses can be some of the most dangerous places during a flash flood - especially at night, when it's difficult to see.

If your home or business experiences flood damage and isn’t properly addressed you can begin to see secondary issues.  One of these issues is microbial growth.  SERVPRO of Oxford/ Batesville/ Clarkdale uses IICRC standards when drying structures, which means we take the proper steps to alleviate the potential of microbial growth.  Even minor floods can cause major damage if not addressed right away.  At SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale we know this can be overwhelming so we are here and ready to help. 

Call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarkdsale at 662-690-6502 if you experience flood damage.

Water Damage Is More Likely Than Fire Damage

10/25/2017 (Permalink)

Drying equipment placed in a condo that suffered a water loss.

While you should be prepared for any type of damage in your home, recent research into claims made with Travelers Insurance suggests that water damage can be as much as 10 times more likely than fire. 
Around 3 percent of those water claims were from weather related incidents, meaning that the others could be avoided with proper maintenance.

Here are the top four common causes of non-weather related water damage:

  1. Leaks from washing machine hoses: These should be inspected every year and replaced every five years or when signs of cracking or bulging appear
  2. Leaks around water heaters: These should be inspected annually and if possible install your water heater in an area with floor drains to minimize damage in the case of leaks
  3. Leaks from refrigerator ice machines: Inspect these connections every year and replace any hoses that are cracked or corroded
  4. Clogged drains line on air conditioning units: Check these drain lines once a year

These steps will greatly reduce your chances of water damage, it is always a possibility.  In the case of water damage in your home, call SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale at 662-281-1881 so we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

Saving Your Carpets After Water Damage

9/13/2017 (Permalink)

Office in Batesville, MS where there was standing water on the carpet from a water loss next door.

When your home or property takes on water, one of the first questions you ask is what can be saved.  In regards to the carpet and the carpet pad, the answer varies on the situation.  The age and quality of the carpet as well as how it was installed are factors to be considered.  These factors as well as the type of water that caused the damage play a key role in the restoration process. 

Previously we discussed the three categories of water and how they determine how we restore.  Category 1 is still considered clean water so the carpet and pad can usually be dried and restored in place.  Category 2 water is considered dirty so the pad is replaced in most cases but the carpet can usually be restored if it has been wet less than 48 hours.  Category 3 water which is often referred to as black water that comes into contact with carpet results in it being removed and discarded.  The reason for this is that Category 3 water can contain dangerous contaminants that are unhealthy for you to be in contact with it. 

Every water loss situation is different so that’s why it is important to contact a SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale to assess the situation.  We are a professional restoration company with certified water specialist that will be able to inspect your situation.  It is important to report the damage as soon as possible to limit the effects and lower the cost. 

Three Catergories Of Water

8/3/2017 (Permalink)

Water damage in an Oxford, MS Condo

Water damage in your home or business is something few are prepared for.  The first step is to find out where the water is coming from and stop it.  Depending on where or how the water got there helps SERVPRO follow the proper protocol for mitigation and restoration.  Our crew at SERVPRO of Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale follows the IICRC Standards for Professional Water Damage Restoration which breaks water down into three categories.

Category 1- water orginated from a sanitary source and does not pose substantial risk from dermal, ingestion, or inhalation exposure (example burst water pipes, failed supply lines on appliances, vertically falling rainwater)

Category 2- significant contamination and has potential to cause discomfort or sickness if contacted or consumed. (example- water coming from dishwasher or washing machine overflow)

Category 3- Commonly referred to as "black water" this water is grossly contaminated and can contain pathogens or toxic agents. (example- sewage backup or flooding from rivers)

If you experience a water leak/damage, SERVPRO of Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale is always here to help!! Call us 24 hours/ 7 days a week at 662-281-1881!

Faster to your Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale Water Damage Event

5/22/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 662-281-1881

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale 

SERVPRO of Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Faster to your Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale and Surrounding Areas Water Damage Event

4/13/2017 (Permalink)

Water damage resulting from a pipe burst in the attic.

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service.  

We are Faster to Any Size Disaster!

Flooding and water emergencies don't wait for regular business hours and neither do we.  SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week--including holidays.

Flooding and water damage is very invasive.  Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture and more.  SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately.  This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.  

Need emergency service?  Call us 24/7--662-281-1881

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1-24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down
  • Metal services begin to tarnish
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread
  • Doors, windows and studs swell and warp
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Pain begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.

Structural safety, mold growth and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale

SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event.  Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration.  From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's corporate training facility to regularly IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.  



Oxford, Batesville, Clarksdale and Surrounding Area Residents: We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

3/22/2017 (Permalink)

A sewage backup affected the basement in this home. Before picture shows mess left behind after water receded. SERVPRO took care of it!

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall.  Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally build partly or entirely below ground level.  There are a number of reasons why your basement could flood, including:

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot water tank failure

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call SERVPRO today--662-281-1881

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety and cause severe damage to your home's structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.


The bottom line:  a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety and your home's integrity.  It's worth making a call to SERVPRO of Oxford/Batesville/Clarksdale and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly.  We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners and property professionals.  


We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are available 24 hours/7 days a week
  • We are a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We bill the insurance directly--one less thing for you to worry about
  • Our technicians are highly trained in water restoration techniques
  • We use IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced inspection and extraction equipment

Basement flooded?  Call us today--We are always here to help!  662-281-1881